
Shenzhen FY 2011 Amateur tennis doubles tournament

    First, the event name

    Shenzhen FY Amateur Tour Tennis Doubles

    Second, the organizers

    Shenzhen City Tennis Association

    III Sponsor

    Shenzhen Xun Wei River Tennis Centre, Sports

    Shenzhen Huang Gang Mu Tennis Center

    King Tennis Center, Shenzhen

    Lotus Tennis Center, Shenzhen

    Tennis Center in Shenzhen City

    Tennis Club, Shenzhen Yantian

    Tennis Club, Shenzhen

    Shenzhen Stadium Tennis Club

    four operating units

    situation Club, Shenzhen

    five operational support:

    Beijing Sports Development Centre in the network engineers in Tennessee

    six, the game time and location

    races: February 2011 ~ to November 2011 period, a total of 8 points.

    Final: December 2011

    seven events

    doubles (unlimited sex)

    VIII Eligibility

    1, amateur qualification in accordance with the Chinese Tennis Association,

    2, due to players not qualified, all losses arising from fraud entries from individual players themselves.

    3, players age :30-60 years (January 1, 1951 to 1981 was born on December 31 during the day)

    4,45 older players (December 31, 1966 before the birth), may apply for the 20-29 years age partner player. (January 1, 1982 December 31 1991 the day of birth).

    5, players not limited to nationality, open area.

    6, to participate in the finals of the players participated in the two stations must be the actual races, registration is not participating, the number of abstention are not included in the competition.

    7, the organizing committee has the right to qualify players to make decisions, in the membership site (www.imcta.cn) announced its results for the final results, not complaints.

    IX Enrollment

    1, entry date

    the Organizing Committee announced the race registration time for registration.

    2,mac makeup, Application Procedures

    ① register online: go to the China Tennis Association Network (www.imcta.cn), go to real-name registration application);

    ② line registration: application to the designated place of players required application,vibram 5 fingers, registration Tel:

    six districts of Shenzhen City Friends of the ball Stadium Sports 0755-83247139

    nine districts of Shenzhen City Stadium elite sports 0755-83240060

    Wesson Sports Park, Fumin Road, Futian District, First Street Huanggang Park Headquarters


    Wesson Sports North Central Avenue, Nanshan District, River Park, a large flagship store


    ③ Please be sure to provide complete sports competition personal information (including: document type, valid identification number), refused entry if not provided.

    ④ After registration deadline will not accept any form of registration.

    ⑤ modify and cancel your registration: Registration for amendment or cancellation after the registration, registration should be canceled before the close of online registration process and the line with the same registration.

    3, entry fee

    players to participate in a competition for each competition organizer to pay the application fee 80. Individual members of the Chinese Tennis Association (IMCTA) online application, application fee enjoy 9 discount; buy VIP service pack members enjoy 8 discount online application. (FY 8 Club members pay-site discount.) Application fee once paid in full before the game, one by lot is not refundable.

    ten, and the race way

    1, race

    ① Grand Prix competition is divided into two phases, the first packet cycle, the second knockout stage, grouping, as the enrollment decision.

    ② the number of round-robin wins the ranking by the number of decisions. If 2 people (on) the same, according the outcome of mutual relations between the positions will be determined; such as 3 (on) or 3 (for) more of the same, according margin of Bureau, the number of decision points. If still the same, then the ranking will be decided by drawing lots.

    ③ Board to win the game in a 6 run-off system and the draw system (rob 7), using non-preemptive scoring method (the receiving side select tee) to determine the winner. In case of even field players can rest no more than 15 minutes.

    2, Final

    sign the final set 8-bit, registration deadline before adding the current integral partner of the player gains 6 on the final status (based on individual double integral calculation), the committee retained two outside cards, by the Organizing Committee specified distribution; final two stages, the first cycle after the cross-knockout group. Bureau of the system first victory with 6 per game without preemption (golden goal), used rubber game 6-6 innings (12 points 7 wins) to determine the winner.

    XI Competition Rules

    approval by the Chinese Tennis Association's latest

    second, seeds, and draw

    by the Chinese Tennis Association announced the establishment of the Chinese seed amateur tennis ranking points. In principle, the high ranking players according to the number of applications of 1 / 4 directly into the knockout, the Organizing Committee have the right to adjust the number of applicants to sign into the knockout of the median. 8-bit signed knockout located 2 seeds, 16 seeds are 4 signed 24-32 set to sign 48-8 64-bit signed seed set of 16 seeds.

    XIII standings

    event by the Chinese Tennis Association, Integral approach is as follows:

    1, the implementation of the event

    2, event-level: the finals of

    3, tournament points:

    level name



    wins points Final ranking points






    17-32 Receive a









    fun in three









    4, integral calculation of the implementation of the Chinese Tennis Association points to the latest calculation rules. Chinese Tennis Association reserves the calculation of points scores and the right.

    5, after the end of each race in the China Tennis Association and the Shenzhen Municipal Network www.imcta.cn Web site announced that the latest tennis rankings.

    fourth, rank and reward Unit: Yuan (RMB)

    1, set the race prizes: Champion: 800 million and prizes, runner-up prizes worth 600 million and the third, four: 300 and prizes.

    2, setting the final bonus prize: to be determined

    3, receive prizes and bonus players personal income tax themselves.

    fifth,insanity dvd, game ball

    1, game ball: To be determined

    2, each with two new ball game.

    XVI on the players code of conduct violation penalties

    1, players code of conduct violation, given three penalty points (warning, penalty, penalty Bureau) of the punishment, and in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Chinese Tennis Association, will be punished.

    2, for no reason and did not pay the application fee waiver will be the Chinese Tennis Association tournament information system (CTA-MIS) record, and lock personal information.

    seventh, the complainant

    If eligible players disagree, you can before the race to the Shenzhen Municipal Tennis Association to submit a detailed report and supporting materials appeal will not be accepted late. At the same time the complainant to pay costs 500 yuan, the Shenzhen Municipal Tennis Association to receive complaints for verification only, otherwise inadmissible. Successful appeal, the complainant charges refunded; or appeal fee is not refundable.

    eighth, the referee and the referees

    race with confidence in the system, the referee, the referee marshals. Final referee appointed by the Organizing Committee, the referee should have a certain level of business, fair, impartial, competent referee. Referee right to inspect players of the valid documents.

    twenty, the other

    Entry fees: contestants pay their own accommodation and transport costs.

    the twenty-first, the order from January 1, 2011 come into effect.

    XXII, the organizing committee reserves the right at any time to adjust to the rules, regulations version of the Chinese Tennis Association Network (www.imcta.cn) and the Shenzhen Municipal website for the tennis net basis. To track post subject.

    xxiii,nhl hockey, matters not notice.

    round of the competition rules, explained by the organizing committee.

