
Jason Wu Design thinking Charm Oupo eye shadow

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    gorgeous colors inspired by precious stones, thinking charm Oupo (SUPREME AUPRES) hand designer Jason Wu, to bring the exquisite beauty makeup world unique design inspiration. The color of his clothing line for the design of these compact embodiment of twinkling precious stones for the dolphin.
    2010 年 9 月, SUPREME AUPRES also join Jason Wu and makeup artist Diane Kendal,vibram 5 fingers, boarded the New York Fashion Week backstage,blackhawks jerseys, as the model to create stylish look.
    treasures Sifu Lei eye shadow of the design concept from the Inspired by this concept,mac makeup, SUPREME AUPRES launch treasures Sifu Lei eye shadow,mac brushes, eye gem-like clarity to give light, adding to treasures like the bright eyes.
    for the first time into the Chinese market, Sifu Lei eye shadow texture, eye shadow can not achieve the traditional shape of the gem-like luxury light. Gold? Silver? Emerald? Crystal? Agate? Coral? Pearl color to show that Shippo is interwoven colorful beauty of the world. SUPREME AUPRES treasures Sifu Lei eye shadow, so luxurious incarnations fingertips.

    treasures Sifu Lei Eye Color Collection Edition 7 / 320 yuan Basic / 100
    polished gem as well as light and beautiful color, shine Heitong the Sifu Lei eye shadow. A Can create a fluffy and soft as Sifu Lei-like touch. The use of transparent color, add a small amount of color material is still distributed bright colors. Smooth texture can be applied evenly on the skin surface, the perfect pearl-like light show.
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