
Rui - Love fruit

    Loading information ... Rui - Love fruit Only ask hard look at the title do not ask harvested March 23, 2011 Rui go to the library with community water and electricity
    Today, the kindergarten holiday, decided to go to the library with Rui, let her feel to read atmosphere. Going to last year, may have failed to materialize.
    when we came to the door Library, Rui saw a statue of The Thinker, squatting on the ground to imitate them (The Thinker is a famous sculptor Rodin's work.)

    I told her: A door, a lot of people are buried in a book. Seeing this, Rui deliberately bent down and gently lifted his foot forward, whispered:
    found the children's library on the second floor, Rui was excited to see so many books, and feel those rows of books, touch the row of books. Turn a few laps later, three or four books of their own choosing, and we sat down and read a book, probably saw more than an hour, Rui to want to leave, the child is such, attention will not be too long.
    come downstairs, asked:
    we came to the first floor to fill out the application form, in the self-accreditation machine to run a library card soon. Rui happily on a bookshelf in the shuttle, I like to see her so quickly she picked a good 6 books,mac brushes, but unfortunately only by 4 libraries. Finally, the classic Disney Princess stories by the possession of the love of We took the book got his wish to go home.

    released in 2011, 03 月 23 日 22:57 | Comments (0) read several (10) growth record
    Rui willing to tell stories it!
    has been very inconsistent Rui own stories, even though I tried a lot of ways, the effect is not very obvious. Since the evening a few days ago to compile a mushroom youngest Rui test story Tsinghua University, Rui these days will take the initiative at a story or retell the story, she also kept his mouth saying: story.
    released in 2011, 03 月 22 日 12:40 | Comments (0) read several (13) my article
    2011 年 3 月 16 日 Rui steamed to help her mother regarding the
    almost dark, and are doing reminds me of dinner did not buy steamed to discuss and Rui.
    Rui did not want a person to stay at home, might be a little afraid to stay at home.
    After a while, I discuss and Rui.
    Dad came back to eat what? Or I go, you at home, you choose.
    Rui anxious, a little sob.

    Rui endured crying downstairs. I hurried to the kitchen chopping vegetables, cutting the cut was, her heart jumped, thinking their children would not have taken away ah stranger to such a child, how this can ah. How her husband so bold that I certainly do, rest assured that a child how to buy steamed dark out. Grew more and more frightened, and quickly put down the knife, pick up the clothes and ran downstairs towards the keys. Rui arrived downstairs to see far back, I rushed to see Rui my arms, sobbing softly.
    I hugged Rui, asked: You're a good boy. Release the child's hand, give children the opportunity to do things, the future belongs to children.
    released in 2011, 03 月 16 日 13:16 | Comments (1) read the number (21) growth record
    on the

    Rui every night these days to see, aviation, marine, rail, road and other modes of transport and engineering vehicles, four hundred kinds of models, and the strange shape of the car. Children in cognitive these names, but also familiar with their use. Deliberately let their kids and telling of the story side of gold bugs to find, say when the first pass will be pleased to find a Rui call it. Say more, she deliberately said no, I said I found it, she quickly came out with a small finger. It also describes how to build roads, and aircraft, ship, train-related post, goods, support facilities and other aspects of knowledge. More stories, 69 pages, all finished too spend a half hour or so. Individuals also very much liked the book, the author's imagination really amazing rich.
    Ruite do not like one of the words:
    Oh, my God!
    actually will run into such a serious accident. This is definitely a major accident!
    look really hard to imagine, right?
    poor girl mouse Almighty! Repair of these vehicles will probably take 100 years.
    Fortunately no one was seriously injured.
    one night just let me read more than 30 times, read me thirsty. Do not know why she was very fond of this sentence? Just as long as she likes.
    released in 2011, 03 月 14 日 23:26 | Comments (0) read several (18) Reading Notes Rui Yue
    2011 年 02 月 27 日 late birthday
    < p>
    Rui day recently asked: No way, we can not let the children miss all day, years ago, the old asked.
    ready to give her birthday today birthday is Feb. 15, has been twelve days. Day does not matter, as long as the kids happy can be. You wake up, we Rui said: Thank you! Mom bought me a cake, and my father bought me a Barbie doll. Rui asked me for a long time Barbie, I need to always put the money saved to buy a long time, it is a little expensive. Her birthday today, and to once again put forward the request to buy Barbie dolls, her little desire to achieve.
    to Rui had five p.m. buy a cake, we went downstairs and bought a six-inch cake small cake (buy a good discussion before and Rui buy only small, we do not eat large After tomorrow, will let the bad.), the cake has been careful to mention the Stapleton home. At home we have family all the stools are placed into a line, bench gracefully bear, rabbits, bears a lot of toys Pippi. We held soon, After the program was held, Rui insert candles and make a wish when Rui said: Can not wait, Rui pick up the, do not know how the knife. Dad to help.

    four roses on the cake, the flowers, but he wants Rui. But he wants with her a little bit different, she entered the shop for a fancy pink heart-shaped cake with a lot of red roses. Do it is circular, or white, rose or pink. However, after my explanation, Rui is still very fond of this cake. I told her, in fact, are pigment dyed red, and white is really the color is cream. Start cake, Rui most happy, you see her eat all over his face.

    her favorite roses remain in the last to eat, said:

    attached: Rui birthday party stories recorded as follows:
    Rui stage she said: my blessing. Bless me mother said,vibram 5 fingers, happy birthday, my father wished me a happy birthday. Today I can tell you a story, today, I really like Mom and Dad. Nice day, there was a child growing up, he came out to play. He played a while, go home to see my mother not to play their own home, so he, ah ah. Until eight p.m., my mother came back. Mother said: They have not seen my father come back to play for many days, and my father on business.

    released in 2011, 02 月 27 日 13:46 | Comments (1) read the number (27) growth record
    2011 年 02 月 20 日 Rui home alone < br>

    go at noon today and Rui markets, just for grocery shopping, Rui said: A man came home from the market. Then you go home now, after buying food for a mother to come back. I'm out of the markets, looked around, there is no shadow of Rui. My heart beat faster, the market many people and cars, more chaos. Their hurried forward trot out after the market has come to the street to see Stapleton, and was standing iron gate, at which point my heart was a stone falling. Do not know why she did not go, I did not keep pace, but looked far. Other cars, tricycles,mac makeup, bicycles past, Rui went on. Oh, she discovered she was gone in the other car was moving forward, it appears that the usual safety education play a role. Rui while also looking back while walking, may want to see my mother coming. Wang went to the supermarket every family door (the door of the supermarket a few shakes), she was crossing the road, and how not see people? Will not sit shook it, dared not move forward. Smelly mom came up and then: After returning home, Rui is take off your shoes, I am pretending to be surprised, said:
    My husband and I went to her erect thumb.
    children grow up, it is actually a kind of spiritual growth of their parents. The future belongs to children, parents should be prepared to do all kinds of children's independence.
    released in 2011, 02 月 20 日 23:11 | Comments (0) read several (24) growth record
    2011 年 01 月 30 日 use of waste - cardboard boxes become shelves < br> accidentally see someone in line to use cartons shelves these days are thinking about to buy a bookshelf Rui it. Haha, this approach is just to spend, environmentally friendly and save money. This idea to her husband, said it could try to do what he said. Just next door to buy home appliances these days is it to ask for from a neighbor, a refrigerator box. Cartons, tape, bubble fully prepared and ready to work out. Her husband is a specific processor, it took two nights of the time you're done (the first night, stayed up to do that.) Rui mainly want to catch her husband's Lunar birthday well, given to her as a birthday present. Make good shelves shown below:

    released in 2011, 01 月 30 日 23:09 | Comments (0 ) Read the number (34) my article
    2011 年 01 月 29 Attend mother network br>
    This afternoon, two dozen children aged 3 to 6 in the Early Learning Centre Baby Noah gathered, this is the last gathering of the Tiger. Children in the mother network beauty Xiaobian
    first activity: I'm Little Scientist experimental activities were done three primary colors, water and oil separation, volcanic eruptions three experiments.
    experiment three primary colors, red, yellow and blue can be turned into a good variety of colors, Red + Yellow = Orange, Red + Blue = Purple, Yellow + Blue = Green. Early Learning Centre teacher before making the two colors, let the children guess what color, etc. after mixing two colors change, the children staring at the cup, and his guess as to see faces filled with smiles, not When his mouth uttered the same
    water and oil separate experiment, the early education center of the water poured into the crisper the teacher first, and then pour the oil, cover with lid and shake hard. Children discovered that the water is still at the bottom with oil on it, they will never come together.
    volcano experiment, a male teacher called Altman to experiment with the children. Volcano is well in advance, and do not know what made. Melt is stirred with water and detergent mixture to foaming, and then entered, and add some baking soda consumption, color immediately turns red, until the liquid becomes turbid, plus a small amount of vinegar, so go visit the volcano into the liquid, all of a sudden volcano spews lava pink to the children shouted,
    children in the experiment are taken seriously, afraid to miss that link. However, such experiments on children, it also makes sense, like water and oil separation, most parents did not give their children talked about water and oil are not mixed together. Explosive volcanic mountain, the children are even more rare.
    second activity: talent show
    performance of each baby are great, the deepest impression was the first English speaking boy the story of three butterflies. Spoke fluent English side, while his hands are flying around, perhaps we did not quite understand, the boy is not winning. Ruirui stage to perform a song rhymes A beautiful idea to host the name of Han Rui Wang, Rui Rui great side stage to perform songs, voice is loud, clear. Self-introduction is to forget to say hello to everyone, After the performance, bowed to step down. Performed every baby show, from babies, fathers, mothers in the form of a poll selected the best baby, the best talent, like most babies Award. Ruirui do not win awards, prizes baby can be best spotted Barbie dolls. Discussed by the two of us, first save the money and then buy a few days.
    third Year of the Rabbit Chinese New Year event production, beautiful Xiaobian sent to each child a card and a small rabbit, in fact, is a ready-made greeting cards, nothing can be made, the children find casual place the rabbit on the use of double-sided adhesive.
    today's meeting ended in laughter, and very grateful to mom net to provide children with a display of themselves, exercise their own arena.
    released in 2011,blackhawks jerseys, 01 月 29 日 23:08 | Comments (0) read several (18) growth record
    2011 年 01 月 25 日】 【interactive sharing my teacher - Wang Rui Han oral, mom is a school record
    day today, and today can be happy. Kindergarten also curtains, there are walls, curtains next to a glass, the glass is transparent, and more beautiful ah. Teacher dressed in long clothes, the teachers are wearing pants, high heels. Mom wearing clothes, wearing a skirt, high heels, but also carries the package. Today in kindergarten, kindergarten has the ball, a pen, a book, and cabinets. Children afraid, do not want to kindergarten, the teacher said:
    baby said:
    baby drink half a cup of water, they go. After urination, the baby said:

    painting for a small child to teacher said: Yellow clothes hanging in the green to spend, I can help you take down, which is too high, you vain enough.
    mother walking in the rain, holding the umbrella. Rain, my mother came to pick him. He was too happy, and the teacher said: Rui Han oral, mother record
    today ah, the days are particularly good. Elephants, dogs, birds, squirrels and monkeys to small Benxiong home, the family may be dirty. They help small Benxiong cleaning, picking up trash on the ground to get the dog waste, bird moving things. Puppy has to move, and things too much. Bird ready to sweep the floor, a small squirrel with its tail to sweep the floor, do not have a broom, which is a good idea. For water birds, elephants come up with its nose, runoff, and take to get clean. Bird ready to mop the floor, small Benxiong ass with it to clean the floor, so the floor becomes clean, this is a good idea to help mop birds also come and collect it. After clean up, they sat on the sofa listening to the birds singing, really happy!
    released in 2011, 01 月 25 日 23:06 | Comments (1) read the number (22) Nursery
    Rui self songs recorded
    talk about the cloak of night stories, songs compiled Rui interest in coming, I quickly get the camera recorded it, now are summarized as follows:
    small cloak, really impressive
    like Malaysia to move for < / p>
    Charge Chong, Charge red
    rushed home and really impressive
    you do not prestige prestige

    small cloak, really impressive
    Malaysian press ahead
    rushed to the small square
    Square in real buzz
    like Cloak of the swing
    swing swing ah, ah swing swing
    prestige you do not
    released in 2011, 01 月 24 日 23:20 | Comments ( 0) read several (23), Rui works show
    2011 年 01 17 , which can clearly feel the picture books in the children of the earthquake disaster is a Taurus, he knows many students, friends, neighbors are likely to disappear forever, which disappear any pains you can not recall, this is the death . No way to get rid of this child, do not pull open wound him sad all the time. The younger children gained, no home, not the father and mother, not a brother (Taurus friend columns), unconsciously, beef assumed gained life, healing everything. Meanwhile, according to Gu Huzi from joint to help others in need of help to the wounded, the elderly. Taurus virtually diverted too much attention to their own grief.
    finished, Rui asked: Seismic crustal movement is generated. You had a child, in 2008, the year in Xi'an have earthquakes, dangling. Sichuan's more powerful, when many children are in the ruins in the.
    We sleep just fine.
    released in 2011, 01 月 17 日 17:49 | Comments (0) Reading (48) Reading Notes Rui Yue
    2011 年 01 月 10 日 made fun of child language
    used to slit people's
    clothes zipper is broken, go to tailor shops and Ruirui enchant zipper. The door, saw a sewing machine, sewing machines, I pointed to the Rui said: ; I would grow up to cook
    I just cook, Ruirui on the tube do not go in the kitchen, I said:
    You go to bed
    Ruirui to sleep with people to accompany the habit.
    bed at night, to ask: Cephalanoplos
    tie the day, fire hat came up to play, he said: play. Yeah, my hands have thorns. He asked the clever little monkey:
    released in 2011, 01 月 09 日 17:46 | Comments (0) read several (26) Rui works show
    2011 年 01 月 2 日 Ruirui songs recorded
    < p> evening, Ruirui interest to compile songs, she compiled a long list of casually, and asked her videos. Songs are now finishing is Ruirui the original, has not changed.
    raindrops Shuashua Shua
    tree mother laugh
    up in the morning just to brush
    brushing teeth to washing the face
    do after washing the face
    is wiping oily
    love hands baby wow
    become the cleanest hands

    small lanterns, red shiny
    shiny, you said that red is not
    Red O red, too red
    we do not have it red
    small mouth most red
    no red
    only green and red
    it the red, the small lanterns
    small lanterns ah really happy

    rain Falling
    my favorite
    love puppy
    my best
    I think my mother
    mother will never come back
    she wants to spend a whole day
    her too, she would most like mom
    Mom, you quickly come back,

    drizzle Shuashua Shua
    heavy rain
    hair Yeah
    live baby doll inside
    living dolls inside dolls
    baby should be doing
    that accompanied her
    mother is sick today
    dad today on a business trip
    mother go to work tomorrow
    stomach ache can not work
    can only go to the hospital,
    Baby want to cry.

    grooming the most healthy
    Cayou is a good baby
    good baby Yeah really happy
    cutting and pasting asked her mother

    drizzle Shuashua Shua
    heavy rain
    which has a White-Haired Girl
    White-she is who
    is she

    children fishing fish
    children children love to eat fish
    she went every day to the river fishing
    returned home after a fishing trip
    asked my mother
    then, is his own play

    rundlet, rundlet here
    where mom ?
    mother there
    rundlet turn ah turn
    Mom, Dad, where did you guys
    I was a little police < / p>
    grab a small police love to play, catch the thief

    released in 2011, 01 月 05 日 00:08 | Comments (0) Read the number of (40) Rui works show
    1 2 3 4 Next Last Page: 1 / 4 < / p> my blog blog blog describes parenting message wishing tree Add as Friend Rui Rui, born February 15, 2007, is a lovely, sensible of the little princess. Baby with a blog to record my mother growing up bit by bit, in my mother's eyes you are the best! Album sant sant sant animation video animation friends no more ... I recently read a recent visit I
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