
Post a sister who wrote the damn thing spit blood

    Prior statements, personal rights reserved, copying without all kill ... ... ... ... ... ... but pardon can read the very few can survive the estimates. . .

    sister who worked hard to make, suffering Biequ for several days, the dream of life and death many times, the last still very strong and brave down. Tell me when you look at all abnormal pain even when conscious memory of what they had under the sister's pain.

    Hefei transformation of the old four old city reborn to help them, turned into a butterfly

    (text / Liu Meimei)

    Editor's note: in 2010, was called Hefei, the After the In the large building and lighting project undertaken at the same time hot, Yaohai, Luyang, including the river, the old city Shushan four are experiencing a strong After transformation of the old,

    Yaohai lead the transformation of the old main event

    Hefei large building with the accelerating pace of the four old city is also co-transformation of the old horn sounded. Which Yaohai transformation, places the old train station squatter settlements and the Hefei, who led transformation of the old city. Hefei

    Victory Square to create

    Victory Square, located in Hefei New Railway Station near the landmark as Yaohai was old Hefei affectionately known as With the development of major construction in Hefei, Victory Plaza features is not clear, victory road traffic congestion limits its becoming international in Hefei, and the future of the new

    2010 年 6 months, Victory Square renovation project was officially launched: towering 10-year-old Chinese knot removal, erection of a giant LED screen, Victory Square to pave the way future appearance of the outline, all delighted to see Yaohai lead from here the determination and development of Hefei, the boldness of vision.

    Hefei and the province as the first comprehensive development of underground city square, Victory Square, the renovation and upgrade to a new three-dimensional perspective of leading the trend of future development of Hefei. Unlike the previous transformation of a 4D giant screen theater, 30,000 square meters of Dream Park, the world's top 238 entertainment, world without leaving home shopping, tasting food around here ... ... the future will become a leisure, fitness, meetings, shopping, entertainment, exhibitions, performing other functions in an bid farewell to old station relocation

    as the years change, the old South Railway Station in the old heart of Hefei gradually diverged, in addition to the occasional wait and blocking the way to work, have few people can recall the bustling times that year. From the train station along the road to big victory in the East Gate, along the way eyeful of downtown, the old dilapidated shanty towns train station has long been submerged in between tall buildings going up around.

    12 6, living in the old railway station, the residents of shanty towns has finally taken the first step in the relocation, District Grandpa sighed Cai years, dilapidated buildings, a noisy environment so that the surrounding residents really tough.

    learned that the comprehensive transformation of the South Railway Station, Hefei project area of ​​652 acres,mac brushes, and the Station North Station North Village One, two, three residents of the village moved up to 1800, the total relocation area of ​​14 thousand square meters, and then to transformation of the South Yard relocation will also be started after the Spring Festival in 2011. The transformation is complete, Victory Road New take-off.

    Dam Street to create Hefei Hefei

    was affectionately known as the old old, operating behind a mess of the environment issues, and the surrounding area has created a great contrast. Hefei people eager to transform on the streets and let the old look renewed.

    blueprint from 2007 to 2009 the emergence of the demolition work on, dam street in the transformation of the curtain officially opened in June 2010. It is reported that the largest single contiguous urban renewal projects will be built to five-star hotel, grade A office space, large shoppingmall as the main format, set office, business, dining, and entertainment in one large urban complexes. Which two separate 68-storey twin towers north and south sides of East Avenue, Hefei, will establish the

    dark corridor, the leaky roof, crowded streets, the famous downtown Hefei, the depths of shantytowns the end of the demolition work, flat

    Yaohai a total of more than 2 million mu of the village, inhabitable houses and squatter settlements, which are also Yaohai transform space and resources development. Large construction period, Yaohai An spinning one, three, four village reconstruction project, , Fengyang the village, building materials, transformation of the old Plant and other projects have started construction; On spinning the second village house renovation projects have been completed, more than 1,950 households to move back to a bright and spacious home; successful completion of the city's largest concentration of dilapidated buildings into a film plot On the transformation of spinning Village, more than 2,500 textile workers families moved into the new home of the original security.

    transportation construction,

    addition to the transformation of squatter settlements and dilapidated house, Yaohai more Built Xin'anjiang Road has opened, fertilizer Road, langxi Road, newly built the Yangtze River East Avenue, Yuxi Road Viaduct, East Second Ring Road, Lin Quan Road, Heping Road, Tongling Road, more than 30 new of city primary and secondary corridors. Yangtze River East Avenue officially all through, and has attracted speculators into the CR and other real estate in the region to open the first of its kind the Eastern luxury real estate; and with the transformation of the East Second Ring Road and the completion of Yuxi Road viaduct, the first show in Hefei Urban Construction in the history of underground, ground and air

    Comments: urban renewal is Yaohai highlight of this year, with the gradual eradication of villages, the escalation of transportation systems, dam Street, Victory Square, the rise of the new business district, the eastern part of the old town are welcome to gorgeous turn.

    Luyang District turned gorgeous old landmark

    Sanxiao mouth, Temple, four arches, Ladies, Walking Street, the Yangtze Hotel, ... ... mentioned Luyang District, the brain will emerge in terms of these landmark. As the core area of ​​Hefei, Luyang district in carrying the same prosperity and fame, but there are traffic jams, aging hardware, facilities behind the layout is not quite reasonable, not distinctive cultural characteristics and shortcomings, and many other limitations. Changes in the development of a comprehensive new direction, new ideas of reform and development, improve services, build concentration and radiation across the province and the most competitive business service circle, the old core into a Hefei objectives.

    Sipailou shopping

    four arches in the old Hefei people's minds, it is a bearing not only the history of the city, is a deep emotion with which a total growth. Once upon a time, to Sanxiao mouth and four arches at both ends, the Yangtze River Road, First Street to the axis of the core section of Anhui, Hefei, can not be replaced once the heart of town. With the rapid development of large building, element of a Times Square shopping district, the three countries share in Temple district, the lake district ... ... today's four shopping district in the rising star of the archway

    wave of development in the city, the people carrying the emotions of these old buildings will be replaced by a new landmark, the scenery of four arches over half a century old landmark, but also ushered in their life a new turning point. With the November 2010 Industrial and Commercial Bank branch and the four arches of the demolition of Xinhua Bookstore to open the curtain, the four arches formally bid farewell to the past, a 32-layer earth.

    addition to the demolition of the Xinhua Bookstore, the construction of the new Chinese Square, the liberation of the cinema of the upgrade, the transformation of the Yangtze cinema, four arches district will are promised to us a

    km distance less concentrated shopping, tourism, culture, leisure, catering and many other formats, Huaihe Road, Hefei, Walking Street and truly create the first full-format commercial street. September 2010, the Huaihe River Road Pedestrian Street Reconstruction start another The commercial district near the demolition and renovation of old buildings, many small alley south tower cleaning, nine lions in the food market to get through until the bridge ... ... This series of actions for the pedestrian street in preparation for the new expansion.

    Sanxiao the accumulation of the development of port district

    Sanxiao mouth, in the past years, it is a Once Sanxiao mouth, is expanding the commercial center of the city, now Sanxiao mouth seems to bring new changes.

    looking ahead along the Yangtze River Road, Vientiane City,vibram 5 fingers, Ladies Market, the country purchased Square, the Yangtze Hotel, Overseas Chinese Square, the red flag in recent years Sanxiao Hotel ... ... a strong development momentum port district to be proud of Hefei, But much more than that, with the Vientiane City project in this district, Ladies will sweep away the past, dirty and old; future port development will rely on hundreds Sanxiao CBD and the financial sector accumulated a large advantage, in a delightful a new attitude into the economic circle around the joint; Temple

    Temple Hefei be one of the oldest landmarks, the storm passed 20 years, the Temple market, businesses have sprung up around the rise, forming a set of clothing, footwear, general merchandise, cloth, low-voltage electrical appliances,mac makeup wholesale, antiques, stationery, arts and crafts, souvenirs, tobacco and sugar and other traditional wholesale district in one of the city. As a commercial center of Old City, Temple of the

    But now that the Temple, and many people will it and the low-grade nature, terms, etc. associated with poor quality, with the emerging commercial power continues to impact, is located in the center of the Temple is increasingly fading and gradually being marginalized.

    order to regain the prosperity of the year, authorities revealed that the transformation of the Temple area will be shot on

    Comments: Luyang District, the old core of the old city, described the construction of City unconventional model for large, innovative models and unique development philosophy is to build the city Luyang choice for new business cards, a series of exciting the core of the transformation of the old people make new faces almost certain prime locations.

    speed packet River District witnessed the development of a miracle

    as the city's the relocation of the heap market, Shiwuli middle (High Speed ​​Rail Station) Area transformation, comprehensive transformation of villages Ying Yang, Wang Ying, Transportation ... ... highlights of the gathering large construction packages also inspired the 2010 River District, the transformation of active high-spirited passion,

    Week heap

    as the region's largest distribution center of agricultural products, the market has gone through weeks of heap 17 years of ups and downs, with the continuous progress of major construction in Hefei and urban population increases, the size and area of ​​the existing far enough to meet the neighboring provinces of Anhui and the supply, increased throughput, the market's lack of carrying capacity, outdated infrastructure, traffic congestion ... ... Week Donggudui the

    2010 年 5 months, China's agricultural products in international logistics park (million heap big week Daxing projects) Yaohai Daxing Town officially started construction, relocation Donggudui week indicates a first step, 4 years later, The Hefei

    the city has the largest area of ​​villages in the package River area, villages and squatter settlements in terms of demolition and renovation efforts are mustering the enthusiasm. Since the arrogant construction, including demolition of River District totaled 620 million square meters, and built a large building complex was built the first eight points. Ten Wulihe middle comprehensive renovation project involving Area Baohe District Evergreen, Lake-8 Club Ju Wei two streets, an area of ​​11.13 square kilometers land planning, the total demolition area of ​​over 3,000,000 square meters. Ying Yang reconstruction project to build an alarming rate is also used their own relocatees After the transformation, the original proposed site will be nearly 40 million square meters of commercial and residential commercial buildings. 774 residents are leaving the past in the past dilapidated, moved into the modern community.

    Traffic Circle

    package Creek district of Huizhou city's first BRT road opening, called the province of first-class construction standards; North-South Elevated start building not only eased the power of regional traffic, but also led to the development of Ma On Shan plate; light of the settled will promote regional development once again. In addition, Wuhu Road shopping district, the lake district, South Second Ring Road shopping district, the rapid rise of high-speed rail district, Hefei Wanda Plaza Oriental Plaza complex of 7 strong settled in big cities, but also the old commercial package Creek area ring a new look, upgraded.

    Comments: North-South elevated, light rail construction, upgrading business district, the packet River south of the old city of Hefei, and continuously display a new vitality, villages and squatter settlements greatly enhance the image, including the river Fenghuang Nie just around the corner.

    rise business district assembly sounded No. Shushan

    80s of last century, the West Seven Mile pond, or school of 'pastoral', across the pond west seven miles east, is a high-rise buildings going up in the city, after a few years, ten temples, large Putou, Shushan new industrial park after another into urban and rural boundaries, as the lack of scientific planning and management, so here mottled muddy roads, sewage waste everywhere, illegal buildings everywhere. But with the urban renewal of the order, Shushan the Reconstruction of the Village as a

    district continued to rise

    09 years, the Shushan Northwest corner of First Avenue and will build an international business center of Anhui digital world, SHOPPINGMALL, culture and arts center, and other modern commercial buildings Fashion City, upgrading of regional business, to the temple as the center of Seven Mile Ten Mile shopping district will be playing a pond west of Hefei the emerging business district - the new gold four arches.

    transformation of the Three Mile Hut Meishan Village, yellow submarine construction of the West Central Central Square intersection, the intersection of planning and Hefei Wang Wujiaochang potential Meishan Village, West Park House project and the transformation of villages and other old towns and villages, Datang International Plaza 10 billion invested in a large number of urban complex where they stand ... ... the commercial construction in Hefei Southwest of continuous efforts. In addition to stimulating the rise of shopping, Shushan 2010 will . In addition, the Shushan also increased the intensity of the transformation of the old district, especially around the intersection of the old district latent hope, greatly enhance the Hefei West

    elevated lead the pace of the west

    With the growing prosperity of other roads in Hefei,mac makeup, Results. But with the opening of the Yangtze River Road viaduct, the National Day, all problems are solved, not only to the city Shushan shorten the This east-west through Hefei, the

    Comments: Wuli rainbow, Shushan Chunxiao, emerald ring, amber streamer, Shushan has a unique natural environment, and now Chang Elevated be put into use in Jiangxi, a fiery Reconstruction of the Village, the new business district the rapid rise of the

