
Henan Museum Riverside Carved age of 2300 shocked the raw material - big river

    Gendiao Riverside panoramic views.

    Gendiao Riverside in the gates.
    Environment faint, faint light, thousands of years old camphor wood, all bring out thousands of years ago the reaction of root carving Song prosperous city, the mysterious; driver, boatman, tourist, lifelike characters one by one, seems to tell the life of that era vicissitudes of life, people could not help stop and watch, away ... ...
    the world's largest root carving
    root carving, is the root (including the trunk, the tree tumor and root, etc.) of the self form and shape distortion of objects for artistic creation, through the idea of ​​conception, artistic process and the treatment process, to create figures, animals, objects and other works of artistic images,mac brushes, also known as the
    Carved in the history of our country can be described as a long history. According to archaeological discoveries, our ancestors used not only wood, jade, bone, stone and shell ornaments and other objects produced, but also make decorations using root or bamboo root.
    1982 years,mac makeup wholesale, from Hubei Jiangling Masan One of the Warring States period unearthed Chu Gendiao work , birds, frogs, cicadas and other patterns, full of momentum, showing that the two thousand three hundred years ago in ancient China root carving art has reached a natural unique combination of form and level of artificial polish.
    root carving creation is a difficult work,vibram 5 fingers, from the material, shape, design and production, until the name, must last for a year or so, or even longer to complete. Henan Museum the largest root carving.
    its raw materials are imported from Southeast Asia, a whole grain camphor old trees, tree height meters, 4 meters in trunk diameter, root diameter of 20 meters, 2,300-year old, completely exposed to air-dry the past 10 years. After the Northern Song Dynasty painter Zhang Zeduan of the
    root carved nearly 800 different instruments, different manners, different look of the characters and crafts, boat, chat, coachman, bridge and other scenes of life, the characters vivid, the picture is very beautiful, the entire root carving very grand scale, giving a strong visual impact.
    learned that the work of designers Liaohao Xin Shanghai World Expo application as early as the beginning since the idea of ​​success and hope to work with the Shanghai World Expo global audience.
    introduced, according to commentators, the creative process is carried out in the whole grain ancient camphor, after completion of the texture segmentation based on wood cutting, and then through the container arrived in Shanghai.
    Kaifeng restaurant appeared in the Loess in this ancient land, our ancestors have created a Peiligang, Yangshao so admired the prehistoric culture. According to legend, Fu Xi's ancestor who was born in Henan Huaiyang, the ancestors of Chinese Emperors Yan and Xinzheng City in Henan.
    the first hereditary dynasty of Chinese capital in the Xia Dynasty to the Qing dynasty fell in Henan Yanshi 4000 years of history, Henan in the national political, economic and cultural center of the region over 3,000 years, there have been more than 20 dynasties established their capitals, or move the capital here, Henan,mac makeup, China's seven ancient capitals of three, the ancient capital of the Shang Dynasty in Anyang, Luoyang, the ancient capital of nine dynasties, seven ancient capital of Kaifeng.
    Henan long history has left a great deal of valuable historical and cultural heritage, Henan cultural relics underground ranks first in the country, ranking second in ground cultural relics, artifacts collections accounted for one-eighth of the country, a national key cultural relics protection unit 54, the first Chinese flute, the first dragon, the first sword unearthed in Henan Province.
    Henan countless treasures can be said, then why would choose the
    introduced, according to commentators, this is not a giant root carving artifacts before arrival in Shanghai, has been preserved in Kaifeng Arts Centre. Henan treasure room collection exhibition is divided into two parts, a This root carving. Booty on display throughout the room are As for why pick on
    known about the history of urban development in China, will talk about the Song Dynasty Kaifeng. In 1997, the United States,
    According to reports, the classical city of Kaifeng, Song Dynasty to the modern city into an important transitional form. At the time, because of printing, gunpowder, etc. The emergence of new technologies, business unprecedented prosperity, Square City boundaries no longer exist, no longer in business time and space constraints.
    Second, China's cities, only Kaifeng was so good to describe a picture down and handed down to posterity. Kaifeng in urban development plays an important role, representing the highest level at that time the city can be said that the symbol of Henan Province.
    implication, also fit the Shanghai World Expo
    At present, authentic paintings exhibition at the China Pavilion is over, Henan Museum Gendiao version of
    World Expo since the park opened and Henan provinces and exhibition hall has been one of the most popular pavilions. Carved Room where the treasure is full of people, visitors heard the voice of amazement, cell phones, cameras, video cameras, Changqiangduanbao Qi battle, flash light all night.
    The staff smiled and said this is not for sale, the visitor asked whether or not they hot pursuit of a narrow version of the
    deputy curator of Henan Museum of laughs with the interactive wing, many tourists asked this question. Bid 10 million tourists, it was said that 10 million should be added to a U.S. behind. (Text / Yu Xiaomin map / Zhang Zhe)

