
Collagen Collagen fancl Which brand _ _ Collagen good list

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News whiten skin, a strong inhibition of melanin production. Collagen can effectively absorb ultraviolet radiation to the skin within,vibram 5 fingers, to prevent the inhibition of melanin deposition and the overall production of melanin, to complete the purpose of whitening.
restore skin elasticity, fine lines away. Skin collagen as a just like new
moisturizing, moist skin. Unique effects of collagen for the skin to breathe new life into moisturizing function of water nutrition, locked skin moisture, skin collagen, adding momentum to restore the skin moist and filling state.
What is collagen? collagen protein (collagen) is the main component of skin, skin collagen, 72%, 80% of dermal collagen, collagen in the skin forms a fine elastic mesh, lock in moisture, such as stents as supporting the skin. Collagen women in the age of 20 has started aging, loss of concentration decreased year by year, the loss of 25-year-old is entering the peak of the age of 40, half the content of less than 18 years of age. The loss of collagen, causing skin elastic support network faults, skin atrophy, collapse, and the skin will appear dry, rough, relaxation, wrinkles, large pores, dark, dark spots and other signs of aging. Dr. assertion: stay young, to prevent the aging of the material. In addition, collagen can prevent disease, improve physical fitness, beauty and health are very helpful.
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