
Beijing Technology and Business University Alumni Network

    Sea Pearl Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Nanjing Yun General Manager Mr. Li Caiguang guest online interview, and users communicate with pearl cosmetics industry prospects.
    Time: at 10:30 on November 2

    to 12:00 pm Location: Hainan, live online interview between Mr. Li Caiguang


    Lee was wide, aged 31, graduated from Beijing Technology and Business University, Chemical Engineering and Technology degree, senior engineer. Pearl and cosmetics research in 9 years, in the domestic cosmetics, health products research papers published in the journal special issue many articles. Starting in 2003, Pearl Biotechnology Co., Ltd. General Manager.

    Moderator: Hainan, in addition to beautiful scenery makes nostalgia, as well as the natural pristine environment desirable, when a return to people's lives are becoming fashion Key words, when the purity of natural skin care has become nowadays the most popular topic of female beauty. Today we have been fortunate to run our sea pearl Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Nanjing General Manager Mr. Li Caiguang guests we interview channel, and the majority of users together to explore the development of pearl cosmetics industry prospects, but also raised relative to our friends focus on issues of concern to make a live answer.

    General Lee Hello, welcome to our channel to interview guests, first the first question I would like to also let users focus more and more, is from 1994, years or more. Now Pearl has become Jing Run the largest, most comprehensive water pearl products processing enterprises, please briefly explain to us the course of development of Beijing Run-pearl bar.

    Lee was wide: the first would like to take this opportunity to thank our friends on the Beijing-run interest and support of pearls, but also want to thank the Hainan online, a distant communities provide us with such a good an opportunity to explore the pearl industry and the majority of users these issues to better understand what kind of pearls in Beijing run enterprises, but also better customer service. On the question you just mentioned, in our under the leadership of Dr. Zhou Shuli, chairman of Beijing Run through the simple pearl 14 years, Beijing Run pearl pearl industry is a major industry to do the company to the core resources of pearl business. We all know that China was the first artificial breeding of one of pearls, while there will also see the Compendium of Materia Medica, pearl as a symbol of identity and dignity, but also a good cosmetic and health care to share, we have it see the good market prospects, while Hainan, which is very important pearl chain link. But we do not see the development of Hainan pearl is not very satisfactory, we also want to do a good job in this market, vigorously develop the pearl industry, the pearl industry to do this is we have set up a Beijing-run the original intention of pearl . In the 14 years of development, we have the sea-run pearl farming company in Nanjing, mainly water-based pearl culture such a company and a sea-run Pearl Co., Ltd., Nanjing, and Shanghai, Nanjing Yun Pearl biotechnology shares Co., Ltd., is the most important pearl jewelry, the processing of health care products company, along with Beijing Run-pearl sales company in Shenzhen, mainly sales pearl cosmetics, health products pearls, we have the pearls in Sanya based pearl culture exhibition cultural centers and the only one pearl museum. Run Group in Beijing under the now seven subsidiary companies, a total of more than 2,000 employees in 21 offices around the country, the terminal has more than 3,000 outlets, there are ten thousand styles of jewelry, cosmetics piece in five series, such as We often used to say that the basis of natural-based skin care series, as well as whitening, moisturizing, fade away, wrinkle-based series of eco-living, as well as peptide series of live pearl, pearl water element series, and men based day care Pearl Jolly series of cosmetics us for the more than 100 individual products, there are nearly 20 kinds of health food products. Jing Run pearl pearl industry has become the leading enterprises in the country's largest and most complete products, such a pearl specialist.

    February day users question: Jing Run Pearl now in the mainland market, which is Hainan, the only one to do the national market of the cosmetics company, will run in Beijing after the pearl into the national market, product and management of how and some well-known brand competition? What problem?

    Lee was wide: raised the issue very well, but also we often think of such a problem, the cosmetics and health products industry after the appliance industry, following a highly competitive industry, first of all we are from the product, we designed categories of products do pearls, pearls have medicinal value such as health and beauty products, reflected in the 18 kinds of amino acids and 20 trace elements, from health converge on the medicinal value of the skin, skin whitening effect of a , from the beauty of the area say there are whitening, moisturizing, anti-wrinkle, acne, etc., and it is a pure natural materials, pearl is a natural green things. With modern technology, we have the core of the traditional pearls as raw materials, coupled with high-tech means of treatment, to ensure our products run in Beijing must be green, natural, science and technology. I think some foreign products do not have this advantage may be the conditions. We are in Hainan this pearl pearl production area, Hainan Island is a healthy, out of the pearl production is no pollution, the product must have a good effect on the expression. Run to Beijing

    management is a very formal company, has been also want to create a benchmark of business, we manage into many pieces, such as our product management, as well as human resources management, as well as production on management, marketing and R & D management, and so on, we will analyze the whole measure, to arrive at a management of every action we will have a basis,vibram 5 fingers, we have a large framework of a general direction. We have a specific ISO management system, Six Sigma management system, as well as a good market competition analysis rivals management system.

    Moderator: You have a lot of friends before this interview made a lot of concern that I see related news the Company in September of shares held in Haikou founding the company, does this mean the development of a new Beijing-run initiatives pearl? Lee was widely

    : Yes, Beijing Run Pearl September to increase their investment has been set up by the sea pearl Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Nanjing run, we want big pearl belief, attitude, want to attract more talent and money doing this industry growing, getting better and better, and I also believe that we run the team in Beijing also believe that Beijing will certainly be a future profit potential of stocks.

    Moderator: In the traditional concept of the common people, the pearl is a symbol of wealth, but mainly to use as jewelry. How Jing Run Pearl enable consumers to accept the pearl cosmetics, health products such pearls concept? Lee was widely

    : This inside there is a certain misunderstanding. We are all agreed on the comparing jewelry, and pearls is a classic traditional symbol of the distinguished representative of the jewelry, but we from the part of it. For example, the Empress Dowager Cixi Mei Lanfang will also timed to take pearl powder, until six or seven years old when his skin is also particularly well-maintained, very delicate skin, indicating that in fact people are the pearl as a decoration Ye Hao, a health care products, cosmetics, Ye Hao, also deep-rooted. Nor is it just now, some people before us had already started to be used this way. We have also done the survey, the results of the survey is 18-45 years of consumption, particularly female consumers, on the level of understanding and recognition of the pearl is relatively large. It is for this reason we think the market is promising.

    Moderator: User South China Sea mud questions:

    Jingrun Pearl is already a leading brand in the province, the Beijing-run when pearl cosmetics to be domestic and international famous brands? Brand building in what is going on?

    Lee was widely: Many thanks to this online friends do you think of our deeply Jing Run pearls or understanding. We are now the leading brand in Hainan, but when an international brand, but also would like to think we want to achieve is also a problem. Can tell the users, Jing Run pearl is the pearl industry, the only right of a company with import and export, although we network in a foreign country is not very sound, but some friends have relatives in foreign countries will be by mail order to buy our products, of course, this is only the beginning of a small point, for the brand we want into several aspects. First, we believe that brand building, product quality is the brand of the fundamental, the whole image of the product, the company's CI, VI image of the brand's guarantee, the market depth and breadth of the network expansion is an extension of the brand, the company management and personnel structure of the most powerful driving force behind the brand. We will continue to introduce advanced technology, management tools, product tests, from just a few aspects of effective protection, I believe that our brand will be a very good upgrade. This year in particular the promotion of our brand to do a lot of work, for example, we have two sets of the first time in the central, happy dictionary, the Emperor Kangxi in China Entertainment TV came, Hunan Satellite TV's Happy Camp has done some advertising, Ruili magazines, etc. There are some media to do some advertising, I believe more people will understand our brand.

    Moderator: There are A netizen named Dan Beijing 265355

    Run pearl external good, do not know will not cause eating with stones?

    Lee was widely: we have a product of Beijing Run nano pearl powder, almost up to 100-500 nm or so, to achieve such fine pores inside of the future free from the shuttle, there is no problem of condensation, absorption particularly good, that we have applied for a patent. Consumers to buy pearl powder is also necessary to consider this, on what would be more taboo to eat some. Run on Beijing-pearl powder you can rest assured that the fineness of his place here, absorbent placed here.

    Moderator: Pearl is currently run in Beijing, the industrial chain which includes product? Pearl future product development Jing Run What is the point? Lee was widely

    : have actually said in the chat this problem, run the whole industry in Beijing, there are so few large, first cultured pearl, pearl jewelry, pearl cosmetics and health products. Future development should focus on the pearls of health care products, cosmetics and jewelry piece.

    Moderator: There is a call Kakitsubata of users, Beijing-run pearl how to ensure quality to consumers while also convinced?

    Lee was wide: the quality assurance we have a whole system to ensure product quality, such as product design, development, manufacture, inspection to the public all have someone monitoring the whole process and do adequate market research to market.

    Moderator: friends love clouds building questions

    pearl powder have seen a genuine problem that the article, of which some are saying, pearl cost 400 yuan / kg, plus processing fees, management fees, marketing costs, packaging and other costs of a reasonable profit can not sell more than twenty dollars a bag of ten. Lee was widely

    : I believe the users of the pearl industry has a certain understanding of the formation of pearl went through such a process: first, pearl oyster meat by external stimuli to secrete nacre, the layers after a longer period of time Over time the formation of the pearl layer wrapped tablets, we choose the process of pearl has a very strict standards to ensure that the medicinal value of pearls, recommended his friend to the regular selling point to buy pearl powder, the quality will be better protected.

    Moderator: the 2008 Olympic Games held in Beijing, will attract many foreign friends will come to China , Jing Run pearls pearl care as the first Chinese brand to promote the concept of pearls and skin care guide will be how to deal with the Olympic opportunity? Lee was widely

    : Yes, the Olympics is the Chinese people, events, or the Chinese event, but also people of the world's major event is a good opportunity to go abroad, I think companies have to combine characteristics and market characteristics to in-depth study, we will seize these opportunities very good, according to the specific circumstances of our company to do some appropriate marketing strategies.

    Moderator: There is a call about the friends that the sun had not thought about developing products for men?

    Lee was widely: I have already given you before, our men's product is the Jolly family, it should be, or early 2008 will launch the second half, there will be six products, moisturizing cream, lotion, sunscreen products , ocher jelly, we will feature men's skin, to design this product.

    Moderator: Development of Hainan in the pearl industry is like? Hainan Pearl Pearl Yihuo said Jing Run in the pearl industry in the country what kind of level? Lee was widely

    : Hainan Pearl as the pearl will be more and more important has been the attention of domestic counterparts, as the representative of the brand Jing Run pearl pearl pearl of China has been active in community, and the pearl industry as a leadership positions, such as China Jewelry Association, vice president unit of China Pearl Manufacturers Association unit, gold and silver jewelry-China Federation of Industry Association, vice president of units, and so, Kyoto Run pearl industry chain in the country is the most complete, the most comprehensive product variety, is the largest water processing enterprises. With the government's attention in recent years, Hainan has been the development of pearls or a pearl of encouraging, processing and export promotion to a certain extent, but may also take a very long way, in order to reflect the true status of pearl . Ming Zheng night

    question: What are the advantages for Hairun

    Lee was widely: in fact, the development of Hainan is still the pearl industry has a good momentum, but I want to say is Beijing in the whole run industry which is recognized by everyone. From the product after-sales service, quality, reputation management is doing very,mac makeup wholesale, of course, we also hope that all companies in the pearl industry to the spirit of this faith, according to market principles to the development of the pearl industry, the common good, after all, China's pearl is a gem, hope that all people can do in this industry have a long-term plans to put the industry well.

    Moderator: Jing Run Pearl has won many awards at national and provincial level, will the company have any unique internal management? Lee was widely

    : I understand that we run in Beijing, Hainan is the pearl in the entire atmosphere of the most modern management such an enterprise, for example, our performance evaluation, we have a plan every year, this year, what things do, the organization What should the structure, each department should be the number of people to complete what the workload, there is something a very quantitative assessment, you do a good job, made great contributions to the company, it will be appropriate encouragement. Human Resources will have a very good piece of analysis, measurement, from the company production, from planning to procurement to purchase the R & D to quality, we have a detailed assessment process, developed from a product to be nearly three to test this on a standardized product, the management of all these sectors are to start around this.

    Moderator: There is a netizen called Momomomo the end of the run products, Beijing said there are many, does not know what good , can do some sets sell?

    Lee was widely: In fact, we have a lot of suits, wrinkle resistant suits, white suits, suit moisture, etc., we have a skin care manuals, are described in detail in our counters can get. We hope to introduce the most suitable products to consumers, so consumers can get more recognition.

    Moderator: silly question to ask about friends drifting really so magical pearl effect? Orally will have any side effects? Natural and artificial breeding What is the difference?

    Lee was wide: the medicinal value of pearl powder, pearl culture, an understanding of people will understand, first of all there are 18 kinds of amino acids, and 100 trace elements, etc. It is these magical effect it created, but opinions on how into products which require advanced technological means, this is our Beijing Run's strong suit. Here I can definitely tell the majority of users, you can choose a bold piece of pearl products, rest assured to buy the Beijing-run product, it will not cause any side effects.

    Moderator: ask users consider themselves relatively ugly black congenital Can be changed by using pearl products?

    Lee was wide: the friends are not too necessary to his black taboo, black is a very stylish very healthy complexion, you said taking the Beijing-run pearl pearl pearl powder or topical cosmetics Jing Run can improve I think there will be improvements, as long as you persist in using a scientific method to use.

    Moderator: La Lala 11 friends that is said to have bought a brooch Hairun only one run in Beijing will not know the corresponding launch this limited edition.

    Lee was widely: on a piece of pearl jewelry that we have a dedicated team that Nanjing Yun Hai Co., Ltd. specializing in pearl jewelry pearl R & D, manufacturing, sales, jewelry design style in Beijing, we had a great run pearls R & D, we have in the last year international design awards, in the pearl industry is unique.

    Moderator: We are very concerned about Beijing when engaging in activities run it? Similar like quiz, discounts,mac makeup, etc. These activities are very much looking forward netizens. Lee was widely

    : activity is certain there will be. We will during the different markets, according to different market needs to do some profit sharing, a specific time has not been fully plan laid down.

    User: La Lala Many people say that dry skin is best not to use the Pearl like cosmetics, do not know if this is correct or not?

    Lee was widely: to be sure that this argument is wrong. Because the pearl itself also has moisturizing effect.

    Moderator: There is a horizon Tuba Lu's friends called to ask what Jing Run new products recently? Products are not suitable for pregnant women it?

    Lee was widely: in particular, Hainan, pregnant women eat like pearl powder, skin children born better, will not be easy long prickly heat, we Jing Run the water soluble nano-pearl Mother of pearl powder for you We can go to Beijing run counter to the understanding of the pearl.

    Moderator: 265,355 netizens do not like pearls I just mixed in the horizon every day, someone said that pearls are good, in the end it is a good where?

    Lee was wide: the first good news is its medicinal value, with a pearl cosmetics, health products can indeed play a certain effect of health and beauty, but it is also natural, safer products.

    Moderator: But so TITI, many of my friends do not understand the domestic product of Beijing run to see if the product is not Zeyang Olay, but too many people doing good advertising.

    Lee was wide: 05 sales front, we move forward, we are the most important is in Shenzhen, we will do a promotion in the inland market, our commercials are also very beautiful, such as sunscreen articles, we can have the opportunity to in the central two, Hunan Satellite TV to see.

    Moderator: Ask an industry issue, Beijing has not run pearl sales of individual policies? Lee was widely

    : This is a very serious issue, with Beijing Run-pearl earliest relatively close relationship between the tourism industry, and now is, travel agents, tour guides are our very good partners, we have a total marketing strategy is that we must service our customers better, some services in place.

    Moderator: Pearl of the class of cosmetics on various skin have to adapt to it? There are different categories for different skin, please introduce the next.

    Lee was wide: I can only say that our cosmetics are relatively safe from a security point of view on this, it is most consumers are applicable.

    friends but have friends that titi

    with pearl powder every day in attaining, will not be too frequent?

    Lee was broad: we recommend twice a week, apply one to it. In fact, do not just mask pearl powder is the case, other mask should moderate.

    users seems a good 2008

    the General Lee is very young ah, will run in the Beijing-Zhuhai store it? Were previously sent to Hainan after a friend bought it over the wide

    Lee: We have sold in Zhuhai, he can be found on the Web site address more specific counters.


    beautiful women friends ask the General Lee, is not it should now focus is cosmetic rather than this pearl necklace? Jing Run pearl in the pearl industry in cosmetics is what position? If people outside the island are not very understanding. Lee was widely

    : We will focus on different periods in different industries and biotechnology Sea Pearl Co., Ltd. Nanjing run after the establishment of pearl we run a greater advantage in Beijing will be more concentrated in the health-care resources, products and cosmetics, but Pearl jewelry has been focusing on our industry, we will do a good job. Yukiko Shimizu

    I think the eyes of Beijing Run-pearl platinum is also good, has been used for almost a year, and I would like to ask, Beijing run the service center? I want to buy a set of your products, then where do skin care on a regular basis, please tell the address, and charges, thank you

    Lee was widely: we have not considered the establishment of a special moment of beauty service center, but we have a professional beautician, a beauty problems you can call us, our beauty consultants can help you solve these problems.

    Moderator: how to advertise in key markets, and is a unique type of pearls belonging to Beijing-run cosmetics, but not for other products with the industry to do the wedding dress it?

    Lee was wide: If it is our reseller or partner, then do not worry about this problem, we concentrate on the marketing team is to help you operate these things, including pre-market survey, market introduction, market pull, market growth, etc., will have a corresponding pull and support.

    Moderator: I read a magazine run in Beijing, many people said our LOGO design give the impression that a very deep impression, you give us a brief speech. Lee was widely

    : Our LOGO, one is red lips with beads, one is run in Beijing, because we are a beauty and health industry, hope is a warm,mac brushes, lively, healthy image, we have a professional do Pearl, so with a bead here, reflects the direction of our main, while the conviction for consumer services. gN, is short for Generation New is the meaning of the new generation, which means pearl in Beijing will run a new development trend.

    Moderator: Jing Run pearls are very concerned about the public welfare, Hainan Province, a current project of hope contributions to fund a number of poor students, many college students want to take holidays in the things that work-study program, arrangement pearl companies Jing Run not provide such an opportunity?

    Lee was widely: we have always stressed Jingrun Pearl is a responsible company, we certainly hope there have been three projects of cooperation, and once the second half of this year, and we also hope that universities set up a fund can help some needy students to complete their studies smoothly. We are very concerned about some of Beijing Run-pearl good graduates, we are also very welcome to come to our Jingrun pearl work, while some social training each year to provide opportunities for students at school.

    Moderator: not only the opportunity to exercise in school, many people still want to be able to run in Beijing pearl work, ask Let's look at what kind of people companies need it? Lee was widely

    : Run the team in Beijing has been relatively stable sense of belonging is also relatively strong, because we have good benefits company, a fair and equitable a good system, employing the principle of the whole is honest, integrity, rational thinking, and we hope that our team can keep everyone honest attitude, passion, work style, professional quality, more mature way of handling things. Companies need more personnel, finance, product development, management, marketing, design all aspects of personnel are needed, there are a few of our views on employment, must first have a frank attitude in the face of a highly competitive society, if not cause frank inconvenience of communication, the other one in this society must have a passion to be able to come to the fore. Third, the quality must be professional, do a thing you must know how to do. Finally, to be able to mature deal with things, to know well balanced treatment of all aspects of the matter.

    < p>
    Moderator: Jing Run pearl products are welcomed in many places, if you want to open a store in Beijing run pearls, how to handle the relevant procedures and the company?

    Lee was wide: Our company now has 21 offices in the country, with 3,000 retail terminals. We have directly managed franchise stores, also has franchise stores opened with the dealer. If you want on the island or the mainland to open its own franchised stores in Beijing Run Pearl, we have a marketing headquarters here, contact telephone number, you can call the local inquiry can not get distribution rights. Phone number is :0755 -83522425.

    Moderator: There is a friends that my wife birthday, and I do want to buy her a gift of cosmetics, the General Lee have any suggestions for it? The price of one thousand.

    Lee was widely: one thousand dollars should be able to buy your liking of the product, I believe your wife will be very happy. Any one of our Purchasing Guide on the island are very professional, as long as a clear expression of his wife's skin condition and needs can be chosen to fit the product.

    Moderator: There is a very interesting question when it comes to advertising, I suddenly think of it, I do not know the bus route on which the sea, there is a large ad, the two black A woman in back to back, I feel as if Brokeback Mountain ads, rather than cosmetic ads, I really think this ad is not very good mood, so that is very presumptuous.

    Lee was widely: Some people have this problem, we just want to highlight our theme, mainly to reflect the concept of soft pearl, so only choose this style.

    Moderator: Internet users think you are very young, not always to ask Lee graduated from the start their own business out?

    Lee was widely: in fact, not to mention what I have achieved, but our part of the team, for our pearl industry, pearl the industry hopes to contribute, to do the things I meet .

    Moderator: happy Lennon

    Jing Run pearl I have a friend with good effect, but I will not effect any change, I ask Mr. Lee how is this going on? Lee was widely

    : This relates to more specific questions, she used this product may be more suitable for her friend's skin, on the other hand must be used when the use of science, we must persist. For example, washing the face to go dead, some water, then the emulsion and so on. If you can buy a suite of products when used according to specific instructions.



    bag of 11 questions I was really understanding and contacts through the network Jingrun Pearl series, particularly its cosmetics, Wing-lok, feeling good, but Beijing is promoting the current state of profit, will promote the after market saturation to ensure the quality of products have diminished it? This is my, I believe the majority of consumers are worried about things. Lee was widely

    : Jing Yun has done for 14 years, and we all know that the entire enterprise in China, there is not much more than a decade of business, almost exclusively for nearly 20%, 80% of the enterprises are not to ten years to disappeared, there is a decade also shows that it has a strong vitality, we are pearls that were run in Beijing because of the comparison in this industry professionals, with particular emphasis on product quality, so we can not to the expense of quality.

    Moderator: Many people let advertising or publicity in many areas have some ideas, think out of the Hainan Island after our propaganda is not particularly large, we Jing Run to ask the publicity on Pearl What are the major initiatives, advertising in the media, what is the strategy.

    Lee was widely: In this advertising strategy, because Beijing is basically run a household name of Hainan Pearl, and we may not be big in Hainan's advertising investment, for example, advertising on television, we will not do may do some soft paper, in the time of the introduction of new products in the newspaper, Hainan online to do some soft, so that consumers know the products of Beijing Run pearl how to use it, develop their sense of beauty or health. On the island, from the ad delivery strategy is the first piece of Central Television will launch a number of TV ads, regional and local stations will be combined with some flexibility in the broadcast.

    Moderator: User Red Bin Coconut City, said Mr. Lee laid off by you, is not there so it all about? I have a friend that a good three months into the trial, the trial of eight hundred yuan a month, turned positive after two thousand dollars, but after the trial was terminated, please explain the General Lee.

    Lee was wide: the development of any one company are based on a tolerant attitude to the introduction of some new talent, hope to benefit the development of the entire company, but each company's development, the management must have its corresponding law, or that we hope to our people in Beijing we will cherish Run, Run in Beijing also want him to have a very good development, but we are so understanding, the first people to meet the employment outlook in Beijing the whole run, and the company can in unison, and bring benefits to contribute, while constantly enhance learning, we hope to have such talent. Just now, he mentioned, I can tell you in this area promises, we run not only in Beijing for new talent or old people, the welfare of the personnel system should also encourage are more advanced, but also just and equitable principles.

    Moderator: to be here for our interview the end, thank the General Lee to do things for us so much about the introduction of pearl products, want to get better and better Jing Run Pearl, but also able to bring more beauty and fashion to our consumers

