

Tuesday, April 5, 2011 Busy Sunday An official Sunday off from work.

I started off my day with a facial session at Fancl Wisma ... and met up with Zw for lunch at Toast box next.

It was the first time trying their Nissin mee with sausage and hardboil egg set .. while Zw took the traditional toast and egg set ...

The mee turns out great, like those I ate in HK .. Please go and try it at Toastbox Wisma yeah ..

And next we headed for some shopping before meeting DMS and Xm.

And we had dinner at Jurong Point.

And here's our dinner choice ...


A long time since we last went .. and we were all behaving like little excited kids ..

Hawaiian pizza, Garlic bread, mushroom soup ... it was a yummilicious dinner! Posted by Limlogy at 11:17 PM 0 comments Labels: F4, Zw Reactions: Coon's birthday part 2 A continuation from previous entry.: D

It was dinner time at Chong Pang Bbq Steamboat Buffet at Turf City.

Yeah I used to heart the bbq steamboat for their cheap price tag and fantastic food those days at Marina South ..

Times change with inflation - food became $ 19.80 instead of $ 10 as I used to remember it was ..

Food also tasted less yummy ..

But but ..

Luckily - I had the wonderful company of some fun friends ..

So dinner came great afterall!

After dinner it was some gift presentation for Coon coon ...

A hamper of chips for the Texas poker expert.

And a cactus plant from me to him especially .. Reason cause I wanna cake cutting session ..

And we headed to Partyworld Clementi to sing along with special guest Xm .. She was camera shy that day again ..
By the end of 2am we ended the night off with some shots of the band of brothers.

Happy birthday Coon Coon!

< / p> May all your wishes come true! Posted by Limlogy at 12:07 AM 0 comments Labels: F4, friendless 4, toyboys Reactions: Monday, April 4, 2011 Kim Gary and Icing Room Last Saturday was the much anticipated birthday celebration for dearest Toyboy was lunch for all of us at Kim Gary-Tampines One.
Groupie us-a super fun mix!

Food we had:

After lunch we headed to Icing Room-to have a specially design cake designed by artistic >

A representative racoon design cake for Coon Coon ... Isn't it cute?!?

Next, we followed with a swim at Dj's house before dinner at Chong Pang .
Look out for entry part 2 .. as my night ends quite late tonight .. thus no time to finish all.

Sweet dreams readers and friends. Have a great Monday!
Posted by Limlogy at 12:55 AM 0 comments Labels: friendless 4, toyboys Reactions: Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Hot Tomato Cafe It was Hot Tomato Cafe with Zw last Thursday.Yes I am finally done with blog chasing and will be updating my entries on time after so long of

Awesome food with a cheap price tag. Readers and friends this is a recommended place to go for food if you are on a budget.

A massage session follows after dinner to ease of my tired shoulders from carrying the 7kg monster ..

We had a huge grin on our face thereafter. Happy Wednesday to all! Posted by Limlogy at 2:19 PM 0 comments Labels: Zw Reactions: Monday, March 28, 2011 Butter Factory It's Lai Lai's birthday celebration at Butter Factory. Managed to gather great friends DMS, Gn and Felix for this clubbing session .. Happy birthday babe Lai, may all your wishes come true,mac makeup!

Also I manage to drag my new friends at the bank along for the clubbing session too.

Finishing 2 bottles for the 6 of us .. It was a blast of the time, hope to hang out more often with them too,vibram 5 fingers! I am very tired due to a busy work schedule lately and moreover I am down with flu. Hope I will recover from flu soon. Get well Ah Lim,mac brushes! Posted by Limlogy at 9:53 PM 0 comments Labels: club club Reactions: Sunday, March 27, 2011 Modestos It's another F4 outing.

A sudden craving for Italian food; here we are at Modesto's restaurant in Vivo City.

Yeah camera shy Xm in the house again, so the usual 3 camwhore.
Price at $ 88.00 nett for a dinner set for 4. Free flow of bread

Mushroom soup
< br>
Spaghetti Carbonara
Spaghetti Aglio Olio
Wood Fired Pizza

Ice cream and Tiramisu

F4 had a hearty meal and a hearty chat. Best pals forever F4, smuacks! Posted by Limlogy at 1:48 AM 0 comments Labels: F4 Reactions: Older Posts Home Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Please help pauper me to earn money by clicking the nuffnang ad! Thanks! Let's talk Lovely Reads Limited Creations Airen Bestie Selina Bobo Says,mac makeup wholesale! Bin bin Bunny Choo Choo Diva Jace Miss Luv Busy Mrs McDull Miss Piggy Shiny Shine Sherryl Mummy Wallace VVeijie Let's count Music to the ears

Music Playlist at MixPod.com Blog Archive ▼ 2011 (66) ▼ April (3) Busy Sunday Coon's birthday part 2 Kim Gary and Icing Room ► March (20) Hot Tomato Cafe Butter Factory Modestos Chili's Celebration for Airen Sushi Tei with Will White Dog and bowling Dj's new place Kumar's Amazing Race Sakae sushi with evil colors Final Journey Laksa Steamboat and TCC by the bay HK Street at Tamp-Airen's birthday Bye Bye R.I.P Granny (1911-2011) Toastbox session Olive Tree Dinner Vday 2011 River Angbao 2011 Sentosa Flower 2011 Loh Hei at Guild House ► February (24) Sakae with Friendless 4 Ben n Jerry with F4 CNY 4 CNY Day 3 CNY Day 2 CNY 1 Reunion Lunch at House of 327 Chinatown CNY Airen's birthday at Changi Village Hotel Kim Gary Dinner Liang Seah Desert Last Day at Hong Kong Night 7 at Macau Day 7 - Zhuhai Hong Kong Night 6 - Cui Hua and Avenue of Stars Hong Kong Day 6 - Stanley Bay Hong Kong Night 5 - @ Yung Kee HongKong Day 5 - Ocean Park @ Macau Day 4 Hong Kong Day 3 - Supper time at Tai Hing Hong Kong Day 3 - Disney Land HongKong Day 3 - Breakfast at Shamrock Hotel Night 2 - at Victoria Peak Random Tuesday - heartbreak ► January (19) Hong Kong Night 2 HongKong Day 2 - Lantau Island Hong Kong Day 1 ► 2010 (294) ► December (21) ► November (22) ► October (31) ► September (25) ► August (19) ► July (12) ► June (20) ► May (33) ► April (35) ► March (22) ► February (24) ► January (30) ► 2009 (252) ► December (28) ► November (22) ► October (30) ► September (21) ► August (18) ► July (19) ► June (27) ► May (19) ► April (22) ► March (16) ► February (16) ► January (14) ► 2008 (135) ► December (20) ► November (16) ► October (14) ► September (13) ► August (16) ► July (12) ► June (10) ► May (9) ► April (7) ► March (8) ► February (5) ► January (5) ► 2007 (20) ► December (7) ► November (2) ► October (5) ► September (1) ► August (3) ► July (2) Labels airen (114) club club (20) colleagues (91) contests (13) F4 (119) family (242) friendless 4 (39) funtastic 4 (7) guest blogger (1) Holidays (73) horton and family (22) jewel (16) lai lai / and gang (23) lyb alums (40) movies (36) randomness thoughts (53) secret rendezvous (22) sister / evils (114) toyboys (18) websites (6) werid incidents (20) Zw (204) Twitter Updates if (! Window.google | |! Google.friendconnect) {document.write ('

