
Skin deep astronomical gifts - men's fashion - People's Daily

    Women want more Mei-Cai enough? This seems to never have the answer. Luxury consumption in the promotion of skin care products today, choose a beauty as for their own investment, we can give you a holiday home, the best reason for dwelling. As an appointment as the big brands are beginning to shift the visual focus of the mysterious waters of less pollution,mac makeup, in the end the expensive skin care products What is special about it?

    Today, luxury has long transcended the definition of the basic Ferrari sports car, garden villas and so on, deeper and more detailed access to all aspects of life, skin care products price continue to emerge is one of them. Women under modern society than in the past with the wisdom and insight, has thus much more critical choice of opportunities and possibilities. They flame out of the men suffer from similar pressures and responsibilities, must also contribute the same amount of glory and achievement. Occasionally retired and sit, they will notice your tired face and dark complexion, they will go to beauty salons few friends about the maintenance, Ever since, they are looking to get smart so-called price skin care products. In addition to results, the top skin care products also need to give the delicate texture, the aroma of the noble and beautiful packaging, these things called works of art in itself, is no doubt treasure the field of cosmetics, is the ultimate luxury gorgeous interpretation of the most brilliant.

    buy a top for their own skin care products , interesting packaging I can feel the proven effectiveness of woman who would feel that their consumption is reasonable and little to back it is even more of a luxury vindicated. In addition, the law limits the top luxury goods, but also enough to allow them to enter a lucky few own world, top skin care products seems to be only for them to make, make them look different. Can share their girl like a secret language to share the same skin care experience, but also a club in the downtown section, SPA and other halls of the new exchange beauty skin care tips, which in itself is a good means of social relaxation.

    not say we are too worships money, when you use hands-opening and Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez Lamer like cream, the kind of pleasure, as much as you will receive a gold diamond ring big flash. The meaning of luxury, in fact, very happy, for the beauty of women, such as life, the open Ferrari sports car and drink my mother cooked the chicken soup, the same luxury.

    recall the nineteenth century, Victorian art and social critic John Ruskin had published a Not worth paying too much money, but worse to pay too little, because when you pay too much, you only lose a little money, but when you pay too little, sometimes you lose the whole game, because you could buy something completely useless. Why so expensive then painted in the face of things it?

    LA MER

    title: skin care products in the deep-sea kelp

    price: 2,300 yuan / 60ml

    2004 年 9 months, the United States, cosmetics is LA MER La Mer face cream. Last September, the United States,.

    space physics scientists from the United States before the hands of Dr. Max Huber leads people to feel a legendary history, but even more legendary or under the stringent requirements to the number of its outstanding quality. LA MER The production process is full of mystery: hand picked twice a year from pollution-free waters of the Pacific deep-sea kelp, and its production process of a high temperature and pressure against most of the way skin care products, but after three to four months low-temperature fermentation, in imitation of the flashing light and deep-sea environment particular sonar, so that it turned into cream LA MER activity in the core essence of the magic ingredients, then add a variety of natural plant extracts and mineral composition,mac brushes, the staff After mixing, the first time from a special porcelain vase filled manually installed. So far, the entire production process is still repeated every detail set Dr., people have tried to change some of these steps, but cream LA MER can not achieve the most perfect state, the whole process can not be explained with logic. former HP CEO Carly

    Fiorina, Britney Spears, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Lopez .... .. as it dumped a lot of people advocate Diamond. It is David Beckham's birthday gift given to wife Victoria, also carry beauty Julia Roberts be used. Estee Lauder

    title: respect for the skin caused by pets, day and night, shall attain to enjoy the moment to buy goods

    : Nutriv respect Skin Cream To pet / night cream

    drawn: masterpiece holy water

    price: 10,800 yuan

    Nutriv respect Skin Cream To pet / night cream contains a number of rare elements in the ocean, but also because of components are too rare, can be extracted up to a year once or twice, but the cost of extracting these components are very expensive, to maintain the activity of the active ingredient which is also very difficult, so far produced only 7,000 sets worldwide, have made it the luxury of doing my part products.

    an ethos of trace minerals from Okinawa, Japan concentrated essence of the skin can provide a collection of 74 kinds of trace minerals in a unique mixture, containing such as magnesium, zinc and selenium and other components, and their magic been shown to make the skin younger, can significantly improve the skin condition, to restore the skin's natural ability to resist aging. Located in the depths of the seas around Hawaii submarine 2000 feet of water area is called Extraordinary power of these minerals have been shown to promote the formation of skin collagen, to restore the skin's natural ability to resist aging and restore skin's vitality and vigor, known as the Only at extreme high pressure, the extraction process and composition of collection is also very difficult, so at a particular time a limited number of products. Coupled with the rare sea fan algae essence of this unique and magical, the calcium within the skin can help transfer information between elements to help the skin against external pressures, consolidation of natural barriers.


    title: skin care products in nobles

    moment will buy goods: Yu Ting Lan took the ultimate full-effect repair cream

    drawn: roe + Orchid

    Price: 2900 yuan / 50ml

    both raw materials and more beautiful, more rare, more expensive skin care products for the top can not be overemphasized. For this highly anticipated cream bottle, Guerlain with a full 7 years, from the extraction of precious orchids have extraordinary anti-aging effect of three kinds of essence, a full 1000 grams can only extract one gram of flower roots and flowers Yu Ting Lan essence of vitality, but also added a gold, caviar and other fine ingredients, so that the oxidation of membrane lipid layer of 70% reduction, effective smooth wrinkles and fine lines.

    Guerlain is particularly concerned about the packaging, transparent, round and thick glass bottles with elegant indigo, and gold suede cap of 18K added a point to it modern. Glass body is like double protection, guarding the precious blue cream container, and retain a sub mystery.

    La Prairie

    title: Legends of two decades of luxury beauty products < br>
    will buy the moment: La Prairie caviar face cream

    Hua Qionggui drawn:

    Caviar Price: 3200 yuan / 50ml

    La Prairie Caviar series can be described as the world-famous, the establishment of the roe on the basis of efficient luxury skin care products contain the Firming, precious, of course, the number of white sturgeon from the Caspian Sea son essence.

    recently, to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the series, La Prairie Caviar series also introduced two very limited edition luxury products. Is entirely a Swarovski crystal mosaic of dazzling handmade crystal bottle, the internal load of 50 ml bottle caviar Hua Qionggui Cream (Global Limited 300 bottles ). Another is the ultra-luxury travel packages, very tempting.


    title: Plant in the beauty industry pioneer

    moment will buy goods: SISLEY anti-wrinkle Revitalizing Essence

    repair Yan drawn: the sea algae extract fan

    price: 3,000 yuan / 30ml

    said every exaggerated expressions, such as the ax will be the same leave marks on the skin, so full of all women wrinkle dream. As a It is not only for the first time the exclusive use of natural plant extracts,vibram 5 fingers, breaking the other products only external artificially smooth fine lines and deeper wrinkles all kinds of functional limitations, directly into the skin deep, to play,mac makeup wholesale, help restore compact flexible and more particularly the essence of using scallops algae (brown algae), especially for glycosaminoglycan hyaluronic acid production, so as to enhance the skin's elasticity and moisture, firming moisturizing the skin.

    liquid texture is easily absorbed, and its fresh flavor, easy to use squeeze-type packaging, for sensitive skin care, all the detailed arrangements, many people think intimate comfort. (Text / Li Shuanghong map / photo)

