
Make-up to a daily photo ~ - ~

    Make-up to a daily photo ~ - ~

    VOV Blush, Avon Refreshing liquid foundation, DONGDONG lip gloss, Avon Cream, Avon Refreshing Powder

    of a makeup, Oh ~ ~ good lip gloss that dongdong,mac brushes, Korean goods made in China! But also smashed a lot of money out! Awesome

    effect is affordable small stuff, this is even in the face of the baby Carrefour, Australia EV we should all know, a very famous national chain of beauty salons, this is her family's baby ! Spray a small pot to carry and convenient to keep the skin moisture ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ and water after use, you can install their own toner and more practical to use ~ ~ ah ~ ~ it! Wipe with something you do not, it is absolutely not fade try 啦 ~ ~ do not believe

    inexpensive baby ----- Avon Cleansing Milk. Avon stuff do not want to say more, lest people thought I was Avon salespeople! Because I was really from the brand Avon's cosmetics and skin care products to reach it! So she's always been my favorite inexpensive place,mac makeup! The Cleansing Milk is also recommended to me by the rain, ah ~ we are all loyal FANS Avon ah ~ ~ In order to unload and clean up remover, but we have tested numerous products remover Oh ~ ~ Of course, you can also say that DHC Cleansing Oil awesome, but the price too,mac makeup wholesale! Ha ha ~ ~ went back to get their own computer Forget ~ ~ Weight debut

    that very cute pink and purple of the East is a family of Korean BB cream powder, hesitated for a long time to buy, one price, the second is never used this brand,vibram 5 fingers, after I checked numerous online times after the decision. Who spent! Ah, the effect Well, it can at least Baan yellowish skin ~ lit ~ ~ As mentioned

    Concealer s better! The foundation is better than the average! And the smell is very natural, and does not stimulate the Oh! Want daily makeup, BB is the first choice Oh! However, remember to remover Oh! ~ ~ ~!

    muscle through the run of the East have not used, so this time when a rat was ~ ~ this stuff is brand in Japan's drug store, general drug and cosmetic skin care products range, quality is assured! Large plates such as Vichy

    series! So Anjiu be safely spend money on it! Ah ~ ~ not that sad to say! As my black eye is too serious, so only the original capital spend 啦 ~ ~ wanted to buy Neutrogena

    the cream, but the price, my money ~ ~ ah ~ ~ depressed! Had to spare to buy a used before ~ ​​~ ~ ~ so I use it enough pockets, to defeat in a Neutrogena cream back ~ ~ Hey ~ ~ Overall, this brand of eye cream and lotion or can ~ ~

