
Customs agents - High Wire Press , Shenzhen , Shenzhen record # # import customs clearance inspection agency to do in Hong Kong Huicong

    Shenzhen high-wire record press # #, Shenzhen, Hong Kong import clearance inspection agency
    old logistics import of machinery and electronic products, is based on global sourcing in China since 2007, fast-growing segments of the logistics business products, international business encompasses the procurement, import shipping, import declarations, import storage and distribution and other logistics services sectors. Particular import declaration part, related to trade policy, port supervision, eligibility documents, corporate taxation, more stringent follow-up verification and other operational requirements; Furthermore, the import declaration process of the port there is a certain bias, but there is another application process part of the manual work, these objective factors,mac makeup wholesale, determine the Therefore, import logistics, you need a professional, experienced and scale service providers.
    used mechanical and electronic products in Shenzhen record information to be provided:
    1, import of used mechanical and electronic product registration application
    2, the import of old mechanical and electrical products list (3 copies of, stamped with official seal the buyer)
    3, renewal, >
    4, old machinery and electronic products sales contracts (both cover seal)
    5, showing the goods to the location of files - such as: bill of lading (both stamped with official seal)
    6, old photos of machinery and electronic products (positive and plate each have one, to be stamped with official seal the buyer)
    7, in the Shenzhen Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau official website to download a spreadsheet to import used machinery and electronic products (list), import the old mechanical and electrical products spreadsheet (matrix) --- Note the format of the two forms can not be changed!
    welcome all manufacturers, enterprises, units of all walks of life call us! We are looking forward to working with you! If you have friends in the import of the old equipment still do not understand, can issue you want to know (please provide the equipment to be imported: specific Chinese name, type, origin, year of production, size, weight,mac makeup, quantity, fineness, the new , the old value of the purchase of equipment, each device a clear panoramic view of the front, left and right sides and the plate part of the one picture) sent to my email: or call my phone. I will give you a satisfactory answer with the results!
    Contact: Tel :0755 -81782809 Music Mobile: 13424151645
    QQ: 1746772696 Email: leguiru1988@163.com
    East Service Center , North Service Center, South Service Center
    ------ Tiger Bridge International Eastern Region, Southern Region ---
    professional import program center, Shanghai, Shenzhen,vibram 5 fingers, Dongguan Guangzhou, Hangzhou,mac brushes, Nanjing, Ningbo, Wuxi, Suzhou, Wenzhou
    international logistics and distribution of international business agency general trade agent in the inspection record file
    professional import clearance replacement remote inspection Hong Kong, old and new machinery imports
    storage timber barge timber imports import of chemical raw materials imported instruments electronic components imports

