movement faster <<<
Helms was photographed Nessie on Saturday's. He said: uniform rate of 3 meters per second, forward, and walk fairly straight line.
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cerne watched this video and said:, width 2.4 km, average depth is 200 meters, more than the depth of the North Sea.
authenticity of the high <<<
closer, even the shore into the background also shooting pictures, this means that the image forgery is unlikely, and it provides a good geographical material, allowing scientists to calculate the size of the animal and its swimming speed. Now, the local government is ready to declare World Heritage Loch Ness, and the newly released video footage of this report will no doubt increase the chips .
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Kanas Lake in Xinjiang have monster
a famous scenic area in China - Kanas Lake in Xinjiang, there are A few years ago, a few water expedition had also tried to find out, look for
Canada monsters like the root trunk
Canada's most famous lake monster is Aogu Bu old, it can almost be compared with the most famous Loch Ness monster. It lives in Ocana rivers and lakes, the lake is a long, narrow lakes, although only 128 km long, 3 km wide, but, and yet deep and cold.
early as the ancient Indians who lived here discovered it. When crossing the lake, they always bring a dog or a chicken on board. In the lake, if the monsters appear from the boat close, the Indians put on board a dog or chicken dropped the lake to go,mac makeup, in order to ensure safe and sound they can.
70s of last century, a woman named Susan Alice saw a tree trunk floating in the lake. This is the root trunk of a sudden event, the wind countercurrent swimming in the lake.
the Caspian Sea from pollution atavistic beast humanoid
recent years,mac makeup wholesale, Li Hainan and southwest coast, many residents claimed that they found a mysterious humanoid creatures - his head There hair is still long the two arms!
there is a saying that, in the Caspian Sea to the existence of a In the past, they are in the sea, little was found, and now, the Caspian Sea pollution is serious, they are forced out of their homes.
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4000 rumors of monsters is hard to find the real capacity < / p>
rumors of the Loch Ness monster a long time, as early as 565 AD, there are monsters Loch Ness in the attack in the person's written records. The Loch Ness monster exists or not in the end, if it exists , it is what is the true identity is still a mystery.
1930, the London doctor through Loch Ness Wilson,mac brushes, a photograph taken during the first time in the form of images recorded by the rumors of a monster's image . This photo from the point of view, the huge monsters like the long-extinct reptiles. Photos published, world sensation. Nessie sightings since branched out, and various experts on the monster phenomenon explanations abound, rumors about it have been more than 4,000 sightings .
(General Xinhua News Agency,